20 September 2008

Hey its almost summer!


I have been absent from blog land for a couple of weeks and have discovered that my blog has been logged out during my absence and my whole account had to be reset in order for me to be able to use it again. Weird. 

I have been busy helping out M with his business and doing lots of spring cleaning around the house during this time. 

And oh Yes! I have finally obtained my Macbook. Only to almost break it. I have spent the following day or two calling up the people at the Mac centre asking for help. Funny little things -macs. But so cute.

I have also spent the past couple of weeks eating lots of rockmelons aka canteloupes. Tasty and filling. To a degree. And apparently I read in a slimming magazine that you can eat as much as you want due to their low calorific value.  

Altho I did have a chocolate donut today. And a whole bunch of white bread freshly baked by my mom. 

Also tasty.

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