12 October 2008

Long time...

Haven't posted for a little while, as housework and other bits and pieces seemed to have consumed me within the past couple of weeks. There is always something to do around the house. Something to clean, wash put away, vacuum. Especially with two animals wandering in and out and two teenage offspring of my husband's visiting weekly. 

At least the summer fruit has started to come in. This is not a euphemism for anything. Just fruit. Mangoes, raspberries, blueberries, nicer watermelon and cantaloupe. Tasty. 

And longer and warmer days. Although the weather has bee swinging a bit wildly lately. From cold to hot. But at least its warm some of the time. 

I have not resolved much with my mother as to the reason behind the non-invite to the dinner. She just ignored what happened and has gone on as if it has never occurred. Much like always. Acknowledging and admitting wrongs is not something that happens in our family. She has offered to have a dinner to which she doesnt invite my sister but invites me. She doesnt seem to understand that this wont make things better Two wrongs dont make a right. What I was annoyed about was not against my sister, but my mom. Her lack of concern or seemingly care about what goes on in my life. But there's not much I can do to change this at this stage of her or my life, as the behavior has become too entrenched from rarely having been corrected.

Oh well. Life goes on. There are bigger concerns in the world. 


Anonymous said...

I am so sorry I missed your last post on your family problem! ((hugs)). Are you close to either your sister or even step dad? Can you ask either? I'd make sure your step dad knows you weren't at his birthday dinner by choice & that you were hurt & upset to have been excluded if you've not already done so. ((hugs))

Brianinmpls said...


ghetto princess said...

Thanks =)

Alleycat: Well I thought I was close to everyone considering my family consists of 5 people here in Oz (and 2 more in Germany). And my mom and stepdad do not do anything w/o discussing it w each other first, so no good trying to ask them as their excuse was - We didnt think you'd want to go (even though in all past instances this decision has been left up to me rather than no telling me about the event at all). Not sure what to think. What I did is let everyone know that this really hurt my feelings and annoyed me. Hmmm.