04 August 2008


Cashews. Thats what people used to call our boxer, when he was a puppy, even though his actual name was Cassius (Clay). Geddit? Maybe they thought it was Cashews and not Cassius because he was all tan colored and possibly looked like a very hyper cashew?!! Hmmm. don't know. I guess that will always remain a mystery.

I had a request from one commenter to put up some beach pics. I think thats a good idea, altho I will next to get down the beach one of these days. And during the day, as it always seems that I am getting home in the dark after work. And trying to fit in chores during my lunchbreak like running around paying bills and buying groceries. And occasionally the gym after work, in that case we don't get home until close on 8 o'clock. The dinner also doesn't cook itself. Needs to be chopped, prepared, roasted, marinated, sauted and simmered. When did life get so complicated. I remember 4 years ago, when my only concenrs where how to get to the city from the bay after work (I was working behind the bar then), as I didn't yet have my own car (due to all my income getting spent on booze, going out and clothes for the going out :P).

But I don't miss anything that much. Now I have the money and the freedom (most of the time) to actually do what I want (also most of the time but not all the time - husband and boss often stand in the way of my frivolity). Oh well, with money and age comes responsibility.

And now to devise a plan to rescue my new boots which are being held on lay away. Must wear them tonite. Boots oh boots (and shoes) O how I love thee... Hmmmm, I wonder whether it is just me or something that all girls do - when after buying something new and wearing it around my/their partner for the first time - upon his noticing the item - I/they go "Oh this old thing, I had it at the back of the closet for like years now". Hee hee. And manipulating the household budget to fit in a new dress. Now I am becoming an expert at this "I think these steaks will last us until, at least Thursday, and then we can have the left over chicken and it will stretch...hmmm ::::counts on fingers:::: until next pay day. Wooo. That will do. Might just be me though. And I admit. I have an addiction. I love shoes and clothes and must buy them. I am feeding the economy. I will try the 12 step program, but just in case it doesn't work out - can you hold these leather mid calf boots with the fringe along the sides, in tan, until the end of the day, please??? Thank you.

PS. I also love to eat cashews and am eating out of a whole big bag. Somebody take them away from me, please!!!! An am my own enemy.

PPS. I will also try and post some pics of our beloved Chocky.


Anonymous said...

Mmmm i have a shoe addiction. I am currently sitting on about 121 pairs of shoes. Thats 242 actual shoes for those playing at home.

I have a whole room for my shoes. And its starting to run out of room. If you have facebook I should show you!

Clyde said...

You live near the beach and you dont go there----hmmm----maybe you should buy a Postcard.
Ok, what is it about women and shoes?
Yep, I know there are work shoes---so two maybe three pairs---and going out shoes/boots, so thats another three----then we have joggers, so thats another 2---a scruffy pair for the garden, so thats 9 so far-----
Ok, I think I'll start campaigning that it's illegal to own more than 12 pairs of shoes----and ugg boots dont count

Anonymous said...

I was giggling at your post - when I shop I put all the bags into one if the other half is home, so he doesn't see how many shops I've bought stuff from!!! If he's not home I get them all de-tagged & into the wardrobe ASAP! Terrible I know. Not sure whether or not he notices.......hehehe

Arna - you are shoe queen!!!

ghetto princess said...
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ghetto princess said...

Arna - I totally agree. I shall aspire to have a collection to rival yours!:P I wish I could have a room for my shoes and clothes. Mmmmm.

Clyde - Re: the beach - I work so much I rarely have time, and on the weekend I help my family and grandparents or see my friends who I don't get hardly any time to catch up with. So unfortunely I/we rarely get to the beach, but I can see it out our bedroom window :)
AND wow, you have more shoes than my hubby, he only has like 4 pairs. Your definetely on the rite track there. And no, I agree, Ugg boots don't count towards overall shoes score.

Alleycat - Oh my gosh, I do the all bags in one thingy too. And also since my sister and I are the same size, what I do is tell him (hubby)that I am borrowing a dress or a pair of boots from my sister when I buy something new, rather than tell him I bought yet another dress. He praises me for my thriftiness and street smarts :P And oh well, I pay heaps of bills, and the money I spend for clothes and shoes I save in a separate little account of mine, hee hee

Mike from Adelaide said...

We named our cat Edison. When he was a kitten, he was chewing on the power cord of our freezer and I commented that "If he gets through that, he's going to light up like a light bulb", and Edison was born.