20 October 2008

I am getting seriously fed up with being the person who is always the one making the first move with all family members and things, no matter when it comes to apologies, invites or whatever. 

I am tired of always trying to put things nicely so no ones feelings get hurt. Except mine. I dont know whether its something to do with my age or anything else, but no one in my family (except my sister maybe) seems to really care about how I feel. 

I am not a punching board people!!! Get it rite!!! I am NOT an outlet for all your anger and frustration. My purpose in life is NOT to take the fall for crap you have done. Just because I did something - the series of unrelated events, which were not my fault, that followed do not give any one the rite to blame me and me only for everything that went wrong.

I am not bitter. I just want some respect and credit where credit is due. And also to be treated like my feelings actually matter to all of you and each one individually of you people in my family.


Kristin said...

I'm sorry about your family. Family's can be hard on you. My family gave me shit for a year and a half about losing weight. Telling me day in and day out that I was too fat and too lazy to do anything about it.

I do hope things get better!

Anonymous said...


Tully said...

That sound slike my work and family. Sometimes I just feel like getting away from it all for a year. I can see why you feel really hurt, you go above and beyond for your family and then they make you feel like crap. I hope you feel btter sweetie.

Harley said...

Family can be a kick in the teeth, I know this firsthand.

Virtual hug for you!

Anonymous said...

i know what you mean. Saying sorry when you dont mean it, but feel like you should, really sucks..

Harley said...


I miss you.


Harley said...

Ghetto Princess better post soon. She's making me tragicface.

:((((( <--- Tragicface

And I still want to hear about this dream!


Harley said...

Okay, are you still alive? Because I am worried. WORRIED.

This is my worried face.


SGRMSE. said...

i feel you.

btw, love the colours of your blog (: