Oh my gosh! I was typing up a post and had sooo much typed up, about what happened to me in the past couple of days and what I had planned for the weekend, and then the internet decided to conk out on me and I lost the whole post!! AAaaaarrggh!
Anyways, I have had my eye on the new Macbook Air lately, it is sooo cute, and I have been monitoring its price and it has just gone down like $500 in price. Woo hoo. If I keep waiting long enough, I mite get it for free. Wooo!
(Has anyone used both PC's and Macs. Is there that much difference between them? Or do they have the same standard Word and Excel and Internet Explorer like programs? WHat about transferring files between them - are they in any way compatible - can I stick a USB in either and trasfer files between them? I have never used a Mac so no idea. )
No, unlikely. So I better try to start saving now if I want one. I haven't got a laptop of my own. Only a work one. And its not the newest technology. Always conking out the net on me.
After fighting with this laptop for a whole day I reckon I could do with some medicinal chocolate.
A Running Story
3 years ago
Chocolate is always a good technical support when all else fails
Haha, gotta agree there.
Hmmmm.... i dont like MACs or their windows / excel program. I hate it when blogger wipes out a whole post. Sometimes I will post massive comments to people really heart felt and then blogger crashes and deletes them. I hate hate hate it!!
Good to hear you are well otherwise! xx
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