I have completely lost my motivation to get anything done lately. I think Im in a mid winter slump. I would really like to get out of it because it is not helping things at work.
The only good thing to come out of it, is that when I feel this way - I lose my appettite. Wooo Hoo. I guess. Still don't seem to notice any weight changes.
Had a bit of an incident at work last week - had a patient come in with a highly infectious transmissible disease. Good thing it was only transmissible thru contact, otherwise I would have been out of there. Spent the next 2 days disinfecting myself with alcohol wipes and antiseptic gel. Didn't tell M, he already feels that this type of work is not the best thing that has happened to me, and he would have hit the roof. And I know disinfecting myself multiple times and refusing to go into the room, where the assessment was held, until it was also disinfected and sanitized may seem over the top for some, but I would rather employ those measures than catch an incurable disease.
Speaking of incurable disease - I got an sms in the middle of the night from my sister freaking out that she now supposedly weighs 7 more kilos than the last time she weighed herself. I found that hard to believe as she is nothing if not skinny. Sent her a reply message to that effect. She is funny (funny haha) that way. A bit (ok a lot) of a hypochondriac. About 2 years ago she tried to use a bottle of bleach on her dark brown hair in order to become blonde. I warned her against doing this at home and especially if she hasn't tried this before. She didn't listen and ended up looking like a tiger (with black and orange stripes). She then thought she was loosing her hair as a result and had to consult the family doctor about this issue a few times before her anxiety was alleviated. Same thing happened when she accidentaly scratched herself on a table at a club and was sure she contracted tetanus. The list goes on. But if anything it provides for some comic relief.
Still not sure about the Mac vs. PC dilemma. Some people say they love Macs while others feel strongly against it. But you've got to admit that the new Macbook Air is just too cute (and expensive).
A Running Story
3 years ago
well, Im speechless :)
Ive heard about you people (wink) who lose their appetites when motivationless but it is fo' sho' not my experience ;)
if youre in my 'hood drop by!
I might have your motivation somewhere on site!
Hey, gloves, a mask and no open sores and you cant catch anything---oh, unless you need a condom for the activities
Geez, it's cold by the Adelaide beaches, it's winter and everybody has the SADs----Seasonally Affected Depression----
The sun will come out
LOL Wonders if we have the same sister :)
mizfit - yes, unfortunately the lack of appetite does not extend to chocolate covered turkish delites i discovered, bummer.
ps. love the running skirt i saw on your site, haven't seen anything like this in australia, double bummer
clyde - there were open sores alrite and lots of them
re: SAD - i think me have it, especially since there are no windows in my office and at home our shutters are always down. Altho what good would they do if they were up - I always get home after dark sets in anyways
lib - hee hee, hmmmmm
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