I have been in a committed relationship for some time now. I like being in a relationship most days. I mean you always have someone there who can...... What? Complain to you about how the house is not clean, ask what is for dinner, say "Im gonna leave you to clean the kitchen coz I know how much you like to do it the right way", leave the washing and its hanging out til the very last minute (eg. sunday evening at 10pm in winter when it's raining). But for those of you who are/ have been in relationships that lasted for over a year - has anyone ever noticed how your significant other tends to notice when things haven't been done and need doing, but not so much when you have already done the washing, cleaned the kitchen and put everything away in the bedrooms. And then if you don't praise them enough for something THEY did - like vacuuming the rug in the living room - it is made out to be the task that has just saved the world which would have come to an untimely end otherwise!!! Never fear - Supervaccuumer is here! Tam tada dam! Ha ha.
On other subjects - the weekend is almost upon us again! Woo hoo! Who doesn't love the weekend. Altho to me it always seems like the weekend goes at triple the speed to weekdays at work. Why is that? Is true- do we fall into an alternative timezone as soon as Friday nite comes? I reckon for this reason the weekends should be 1 day longer at least. I mean surely they could make up another day for the week to make it 8 days - what about Funday after Sunday? Hmmm. anyways, that's probably enough randomness for everyone for now, altho I doubt I even have that many, if any, readers at this stage, apart from Estrella's Tales from the Darkside who left my first (and only) comment (rock on guuurl) the other day.
See ya later alligators
A Running Story
3 years ago
hehehe couldn't agree more!
"you put the rubbish out how many times this month? Oh, todays. Ah that musta been me the other 29 times. Guess I'll get the medal then :0)"
BTW, time doesn't seem to help much, been having the same conversation for around 15 years myself!!
Oh man I love the idea of Funday. Bring it on. 3 day weekeeeeendddd!!
Hehe yes I was your first commenter. I rock.
As for the boyfriend thing, I hate when men are picky about the house being clean, my motto, if you dont like it how it is, do it yourself! I'll do it when I am ready!!
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